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Student Training

Join OSU Institute of Technology and its effort to maintain a safe environment where all members of the campus community can live, learn and be successful by saying “Not Anymore” to sexual violence.


Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology takes acts of sexual violence and sexual harassment seriously. In an effort to comply with the Violence Against Women Act and the Office for Civil Rights federal guidelines, all students are required to complete online training on sexual violence prevention.  A hold will be placed on your account, which will affect enrollment for the subsequent semester, until the training has been completed. Training should take around 60-80 minutes depending on varying factors.

To complete the training follow these steps:


  1. Click this link: Safe Colleges Training
  2. Log-in using your Student ID Number for your Username. (A12345678)
  3. Start training! 

Important Training Information

  • You will need Internet access and audio capabilities. 
  • You may take the course in multiple sittings. Be sure to click the “Save and Return Home” button to save your progress.
  • The course may include surveys to help personalize your experience and measure students’ attitudes and behaviors. All survey responses are confidential; the school will only receive information about the student body as a whole and will never see individual student responses.
  • After you complete the program, there is a certificate of completion granted. Print or screenshot this and keep for your records.
  • Resources are available in the top menu bar throughout the course.  We encourage you to check out these resources and utilize them if needed.
  • If you have any technical difficulties with the program, please contact Vector Solutions through the program HELP button.
  • If at any time you have general questions or concerns regarding the program requirements, please contact your school Title IX Coordinator, Kamie Crawford, or by phone at 918-293-5456. 


The training contains sensitive material involving sexual and interpersonal violence.  While trigger warnings and resources are provided throughout the program, we understand such programming may be problematic for some viewers.  Please contact our OSUIT Campus Counseling Services 918-293-4988 for confidential support and/or to discuss alternatives contact the Dean of Students.