Lower Body Workout

This workout is intended to give you the ability to exercise regardless of your location, access to a gym, and use of equipment. These exercises can be completed anywhere, you'll just need some space, some dumbbells or resistance bands. You can use a stable chair or step to use for exercises showing use of a weight bench. 

This workout can also be utilized by those going to the gym but not quite sure what exercises to put together in a workout. Follow these exercises to get a well rounded training plan for a lower body effect. 

This workout can be completed in a variety of ways; set & reps, circuits, or super sets. Keep the Pro Tips in mind to maintain correct form and prevent injury. 


Exercise 1

Major Muscle Groups: quadriceps, gluteal muscles, spinal erectors

Pro Tip: Do not let knees move past your toes at the bottom of the squat, this can put negative stress on the knee joint. 

 Keep back flat, by maintaining upright posture throughout the movement. Accomplish this by feeling like you're sitting back into a chair in the downward movement of the squat. 

Weighted Squats with Dumbells

Weighted Squats with Resistance Bands


Exercise 2

Major Muscle Groups: quadriceps, gluteus maximus, adductor magnus, soleus, hamstrings, gastrocnemius, erector spinae, anterior/lateral deltoids, supraspinatus, rhomboids, upper/middle/lower back

Pro Tip: Engage the core muscles throughout this exercise so that you protect the back and maintain correct posture. 

Because of the displacement of the weight from the center of the body, be sure to perform this movement under control. Use less weight and control the movement. 

Front Squats with Dumbells

Front Squats with Resistance Bands


Exercise 3

Major Muscle Groups: gluteal muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps

Pro Tip: Engage core to maintain an upright position for the torso, and pelvic angle. 

Do not let knees move past your toes at the bottom of the lunge, this can put negative stress on the knee joint. 

Push Back Lunges


Exercise 4

Major Muscle Groups: gluteal muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps

Pro Tip: Engage core to maintain an upright position for the torso, and pelvic angle. 

Do not let knees move past your toes at the bottom of the lunge, this can put negative stress on the knee joint. 


Crossover Lunges



Exercise 5

Major Muscle Groups: Gluteal muscles, quadriceps, adductor magnus, soleus, hamstrings, calves, erector spinae, trapezius, levator scapulae, rhomboids, abdominal muscles, obliques 

Pro Tip: Engaging your core throughout this exercise will aid in the successful completion of the movement. 

Another key to this exercise is to keep a flat back, DO NOT allow your back to become rounded, if this happens, bend at the knees and hips more and use the leg muscles to lift the weight instead. 

The closer the weight is to the body, the easier it is to keep under control. Try to "brush" your shins with the weight as you lift to keep it close to the center line of your body. 


Deadlift with Dumbells

Deadlift with Resistance Bands


Exercise 6

Major Muscle Groups: Calves (gastrocnemius, soleus, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, peroneus, plantaris, tibialis posterior)

Pro Tip: Full range of motion is key, keeping focus on getting all the way onto the balls of your feet will aid in completing the movement. 

Calf Raises


Exercise 7

Major Muscle Groups: quadriceps, hamstrings 

Pro Tip: Maintain balance throughout the movement by focusing on engaging your core, and keeping the body weight on the arch and balls of the feet. Don't let your body weight shift to the outside edge of the foot. 

Try not to let your knee outside of the vertical plane of your foot. Allowing the knee inside or outside of the foot through this movement can cause injury to the knee and hip joints overtime. 


Step Ups