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Institute of Technology

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Being a student at OSUIT is about more than just coursework – it’s a chance to find community, explore new hobbies, and build skills that set you up for success long after graduation. Welcome to the Cowboy Family!

We make getting involved on campus easy

Approximately 20 organizations on campus give students the opportunity to network and develop leadership skills. Ranging in purpose from academic to service and social organizations, club memberships are open to all students.
Students on campus at OSUIT.

Student Life Events

Where Connections Begin
Never miss out on the exciting events and opportunities Student Life has to offer! Here’s how to stay updated:
  • Online Calendar: Explore the online Calendar to keep track of all campus activities.
  • Social Media: Follow us on Facebook, X, and Instagram.
  • Weekly Student Life Newsletter: Check your student email for weekly updates on events and activities.
OSUIT bell tower

Helping You Find Success

Our Student Services team works to provide you with a well-rounded college experience that positions you to excel long after graduation.

Student Union

Find dining options, the campus store, eSports Arena and more in OSUIT's Student Union.

Health & Wellness

Life at OSUIT is more than just your class schedule. We offer virtual healthcare, an on-site counselor and other wellness services to help support you.

Sports & Recreation

Whether you are looking to join a team or a way to get in your steps, OSUIT offers options that right for you.


The Learning Resource Center offers easy access to a wide collection of books, journals, research materials and digital media.

Housing and Residential Life

On and Off Campus options for all.
You are about to join more than 800 students living within the six residence halls who call the OSU Institute of Technology campus home. Whether you're single, married or a non-traditional student, we have housing options for you. At OSUIT, the residence halls are more than just a place to sleep and eat. They are exciting, active campus communities that promote a student’s personal and academic well being.
Miller Kamm

Have more questions?

Student Life can help. We are passionate about creating and supporting opportunities for students in and out of the classroom. Stop by Covelle Hall or contact us online to learn more.

Contact Student Life

WE ARE ALL COWBOYSHailing from all 50 states and 98 countries, we are united by the Cowboy Code.

  • We end the day knowing we gave it everything we had
  • We dream only as big as the sky
  • We know challenges come with pain, but pain will not win
  • We have a passion to do what's right, even when it's hard
  • We stand for what matters, even if we stand alone
  • We finish what we start
  • Being a Cowboy isn't in our clothes, it's in our character
Inspired by the book "Cowboy Ethics: What Wall Street Can Learn from The Code of the West." © 2004 James P. Owen

Student Rights and Responsibilities Governing Student Behavior

This document outlines the rights and responsibilities of students at OSU Institute of Technology, providing an overview of the Student Code of Conduct. It details behavioral expectations and disciplinary procedures designed to maintain a safe and productive campus environment. The guide covers standards for academic integrity, community respect, and responsible actions, while explaining the processes for addressing violations, including hearings and appeals. Additionally, it highlights student rights to due process and fair treatment, along with options for filing grievances. The document also includes a comprehensive list of prohibited behaviors and outlines potential consequences, as well as steps for appealing decisions. OSUIT’s commitment to fostering a respectful, equitable, and inclusive community is emphasized throughout.

View the Fall 2024 Edition