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Institute of Technology

Student Clubs

More than fifteen organizations on campus give students the opportunity to develop leadership skills, network with peers, and reach out to the industries they will work in upon graduation. Clubs and organizations range in purpose from departmental, service and social organizations; club memberships are open to all current students.

Any person interested in chartering a new organization on campus can obtain information on how to do so by contacting Student Life.


Club Resources


Student Club Campus Activity Request


Student Club Points Verification Form


Looking for more information about Club Points?


For additional information on any of the clubs listed below please contact the corresponding club advisor. 

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Club

The Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Club (ACR) promotes fellowship and the development of traits of good citizenship and leadership. The goal is to help all members take their place in the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration industrial community.


Advisor: Chris Lamm


Baptist Collegiate Ministries 

The Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) routinely gathers on campus for fellowship and worship.


Advisor: Jay Roberds  


Chi Alpha 

Chi Alpha is a spirit-empowered, diverse community of believers on campus, declaring in word and lifestyle their faith in Jesus Christ. This group is formed to provide students with service & fellowship opportunities; sponsored activities and programs which enrich student intellect, servant leadership and spiritual growth. 


Advisor: Mary Rosson, Alex Rosson 


Competitive Sports Players Network 

The Competitive Sports Players Network's purpose is to promote an atmosphere for students who are looking to compete competitively across a multitude of sports offered on the campus of OSUIT. This club will provide students with the opportunities to compete with other sport clubs that exist outside of this institutions walls. Our club will look to assist in furthering students leadership, mentorship, and team building skills through various event that students will compete in. 


Advisor: Gabe Sandoval , Hope Hubbard 


Construction Management Professionals

The Construction Management Professionals (CMP) is the Construction Management Technology Department’s student organization. CMP is comprised of student chapters for Associated General Contractors (AGC), Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), and Construction Specifications Institute (CSI). The CMP mission is to help its student members begin their professional development. The club offers opportunities to network and socialize with industry leaders. Students will gain access to the educational, and financial assistance from three of the industry’s leading professional organizations.


Advisor:  Jim Gordon


Cultural Awareness Club 

The purpose of this organization is to promote cultural awareness on campus. We will do so by finding and attending events in Oklahoma that bring exposure and information to the members of the club, with the intent of bringing that information back to campus to share. The club will also seek out religious/mythological activities, culinary activities and cultural organization that can share and educate the members and others within the OSUIT community. 


Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Smith , Rhonda Blair 


Electrical Construction Professionals 

The Electrical Construction Professionals intent is to provide students with opportunities to broaden their views on electrical construction and maintenance, develop professionalism and leadership, and to allow students to participate in relevant activities related to the electrical industry.


Advisor: Heath Mosco


Friends of Pete

Friends of Pete (FOP) members endeavor to assist first year students by serving as a peer mentor, a resource to campus and the community, and assist with the transition to OSUIT in order to develop the skills necessary for success in the college environment.


Advisor: Kimberly Huntsberger, Bryce Berryhill 


Future Chefs Association

The Future Chefs Association (FCA) is part of the American Culinary Federation, Tulsa Chapter. FCA strives to uphold the honor and dignity of the culinary profession, stimulate a higher order of professional standards among members and foster educational programs. They also promote fellowship and cooperation among the culinary profession in Oklahoma.


Advisor: Hayden Roberts 


Gaming and Entertainment Organization

The GEO student club has the objective of promoting academics, inclusivity, and positivity in the eSports and Gaming Entertainment space by providing opportunities to connect, bring about social awareness for diversity and compete under OSUIT as a club.


Advisor: Jared Turnham


Information Technology Students of America

The purpose of the OSUIT chapter of ITSA shall be to develop a better understanding of the nature and functions of information technology, to promote sound general principles in information technology, and to study technical methods and equipment related to information technology, to disseminate all fundamentally sound information technology principles and method, to supply to its members information of the understanding of the vital business role of information technology, and to foster among students a professional attitude.


Advisor: Kimberly Howard, Daniel Schmidt


International Society of Automation

The purpose of the International Society of Automation (ISA) is to advance and to reinforce the arts and sciences related to the theory, design, manufacture and use of instrumentation, computers and systems for measurement and control in the various sciences and technologies for the benefit of mankind.


Advisor: Darrell Cunningham, Amanda Cullum


People for Animal Wellness and Safety 

The Purpose of the P.A.W.S club is to spread awareness of proper animal/pet care and safety. While also connecting it's members to the local Okmulgee County Humane Society on events. The objectives of the club are to educate people about pets, and aid in the prevention of animals being euthanized through education and adoption.


Advisor: Greg Phillips , Gage Parrott 


Professional Leaders of Tomorrow

The mission of the Professional Leaders of Tomorrow Club (PLOT) is to connect Arts & Sciences students with opportunity at an beyond Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology through networking and service.


Advisor: Dr. Heather Ortiz, Adrian Tuggle 


Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) has recognized academic excellence in the two-year college since 1918 and has become the largest and the most prestigious honor society serving two-year colleges around the world. Membership is based primarily upon academic achievement. Invitation to membership may be extended by OSU Institute of Technology’s President after one has completed 12 hours and earned a GPA of 3.5 or greater. Membership in Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society will open new doors for one’s academic journey. The organization offers a myriad of opportunities such as $35 million in transfer scholarships, intellectual enrichment and personal development through programs based on Phi Theta Kappa’s four hallmarks of Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Fellowship.


Advisor: Susie Mauldin, Becky Bailey


Residence Hall Association

Residence Halls Association (RHA) promotes a wholesome collegiate environment for people living on campus. The RHA represents the interest of on-campus residents fostering a positive living environment through recreational, educational and social activities.


Advisor: Garret Brown , Josh Hulgan


Sexuality and Gender Acceptance

SAGA's purpose is to educate and provide support for the LGBTQ+ and their allies. Their mission is to provide a place for acceptance and education from where ever you're at to wherever you're going by educating campus wide and beyond about the LGBTQ+ community, its history, and diversity. 


Advisor: Lise` Bulik


Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA), also known as the Student Senate, is the established representative student government association which provides a voice through which all students can be heard. The purpose of the Student Senate is to represent the student body of OSU Institute of Technology – Okmulgee, to act as a liaison between students and the college administration, faculty and staff, and to provide input for changes or proposals relating to policies and/or procedures affecting students.


Advisor: Kyle Allen


Student Nurse Association

The purpose of the Student Nurse Association (SNA) is to allow students the opportunity to engage in campus and community activities. SNA also encourages 3rd and 4th level students to provide friendship and mentorship to 1st and 2nd level students. SNA assists the nursing program in recruitment activities, encourages students to be involved in professional nursing organizations once they have graduated, and allows for opportunities for clinical agencies to recruit our students.


Advisor: Jodi Campbell


Visual Communications Collective

The VCC club strives to promote extracurricular activities, enhance members’ knowledge and skills for future careers, foster a deep respect for the quality of workmanship, create enthusiasm for learning, and develop leadership abilities through participation and to participate actively in promoting campus activities.

Advisor: Desirae Bach, Kimberly Howard


Club Points Verification

The Student Life Department’s Club/Organization Points Program is designed to increase club/organization accountability and participation. Club/Organization points are accumulated from the beginning of the fall semester through the summer semester each year. The year’s "Outstanding Club/Organization" will be named at the Annual Student Life Banquet, and is decided exclusively on points accumulated. In addition, these points will have a direct influence on the Annual Fee Allocation Process.

Criteria for earning points:

  • The club/organization must be represented by three or more members per event/activity
  • Any individual holding membership in more than one club/organization may represent only one club at an event/activity
  • A club/organization may not earn more than 16 points for any single event in state and 24 for an out of state event.
  • An activity request must be submitted prior to a points verification form for events that were hosted, facilitated or sponsored by a club.
  • An event verification form must be submitted no later than 7 days after event for any points to be awarded. 

Criteria for gaining Volunteer Credit:

  • The club/organization must be represented by three or more members per event/activity
  • An activity request must be submitted prior to a points verification form for all volunteer / community service activities by a club. 
  • Credit will be granted to any club that submits a CAR & PV for their service events during the academic year. i.e. (September - August) 

Criteria for Battle of the Halls Credit:

  • The captain of the team must be listed on the PV form. 
  • ALL team member names that were present at listed event MUST be noted in the List of Participants form field. 
  • An Event verrification must be submitted no later than 7 days after event for any credit to be awarded. 

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