OSUIT Alumnus Martin McCurdy Pioneers Eco-Friendly Funeral Solutions with Green Farewells

OSUIT Alumnus Martin McCurdy Pioneers Eco-Friendly Funeral Solutions with Green Farewells

OSUIT Alumnus Martin McCurdy Pioneers Eco-Friendly Funeral Solutions with Green Farewells

Martin McCurdy, an OSU Institute of Technology alumnus, has received recognition for his groundbreaking adventure, Green Farewells. 

Martin, along with his wife and business partner Alexis, is revolutionizing traditional end-of-life practices with unique eco-friendly solutions that not only enhance confidentiality and transparency but also intrigue families with their innovative approach. 

Their mission was clear: to offer environmentally conscious alternatives that would provide families with security, transparency and confidentiality for their loved ones' end-of-life process.  

"My wife and I experienced loss, and it taught us a great deal. While handling affairs out-of-state, we realized there was a gap in expectations, and the knowledge we gained shaped our model and who Green Farewells is," said McCurdy. "These experiences shaped the core pillars of who Green Farewells is: to provide security and utilize technology." 

McCurdy's journey to entrepreneurship was marked by academic excellence and a passion for sustainability. As an OSUIT student, he distinguished himself, earning recognition for the 2015 All-Oklahoma USA Academic Team and securing scholarships and internships in the IT field.
Green Farewells gained traction, earning recognition from reputable sources, including articles in the Las Vegas Sun and Nevada Business Herald, positioning Green Farewells as a trailblazer in the industry.

A significant milestone for Green Farewells was becoming the world's first Black-owned aquamation facility, a testament to McCurdy's commitment to diversity and representation in the business world. This achievement made history and symbolized a step forward in promoting inclusivity within the funeral industry.

Information Technology has played a pivotal role in integrating technology with their services, an addition McCurdy attributes to his time at OSUIT. The fusion of innovation and sustainability sets Green Farewells apart, making them a formidable force in the funeral service landscape.

McCurdy's passionate advocacy for carbon-neutral cremation, as showcased in outlets like ABC27 and KTLA, underscores the urgent need to mitigate the environmental impact of end-of-life practices. By championing these initiatives, Green Farewells provides compassionate care for the departed and leaves a positive legacy for future generations, instilling a sense of urgency in the audience about the need for sustainable practices.

His journey from an OSUIT student to a trailblazing entrepreneur showcases the power of passion, innovation, and social responsibility. Through Green Farewells, he and his wife are not just shaping the future of the funeral industry; they are paving the way for a more sustainable and inclusive approach to bidding farewell to loved ones and inspiring others to follow in their footsteps.

"I began my journey at OSUIT as an adult learner seeking a career path using cutting-edge technology and to acquire valuable, widely accepted skills," shared McCurdy. "What stands out most about my time at OSUIT is how it catalyzed my transition into entrepreneurship."