OSU Institute of Technology was once again selected to receive federal funding from the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act.
OSUIT was granted just under $142,000 for the 2015-16 fiscal year. The discretionary funds are administered under the US Department of Education by the Office of Career Technical and Adult Education. At the state level, the funds are distributed through the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education.
To be eligible for these funds, institutions must focus on high-skill, high-wage, high-demand jobs; a connection to local labor markets; alignment of programs to broad labor market trends; and support current or emerging occupations— the hallmarks of OSUIT’s mission.
“OSUIT’s Carl D. Perkins funds are utilized to support the university’s LASSO Center and developmental offerings, both of which play important roles in the services the institution provides to help students successfully fulfill their career and educational goals,” said Dr. Scott Newman, vice president of academic affairs.
The LASSO Center provides academic support to all students enrolled at OSUIT through tutoring, COMPASS test preparation, and student success seminars. The center also provides assistance and support to students with disabilities.
Chad Spurlock, director of the LASSO Center, said the Carl D. Perkins monies fund a faculty member/LASSO Center tutor as well as offset his salary.
“My position not only oversees LASSO tutoring, but also oversees academic accommodations, or student disability services. Without these services for remediation, tutoring and academic accommodation support, at-risk students would be greatly impacted,” Spurlock said.
Newman said the Carl D. Perkins funds are particularly indispensable during Oklahoma’s current budget crisis.
“OSUIT, like all public colleges and universities, face difficult resource allocation decisions,” he said. “To that end, we’re very grateful for the Carl D. Perkins program and the critical student success-oriented services it makes possible.”