Poke Profiles: Abigail Rush

Poke Profiles: Abigail Rush

Poke Profiles: Abigail Rush

"Poke Profiles" is a series highlighting the dedicated staff at OSUIT. Discover the stories, talents, and achievements of the individuals who drive our institution’s success and embody the Cowboy spirit. Join us in celebrating the diverse and dynamic members of the OSUIT community.

Q: Can you introduce yourself?

A: I'm Abigail Rush, current OSU Institute of Technology NE Oklahoma Prospective Students Recruiter and student of the OSUIT Applied Technology program. I am an Arkansas native, a lover of nature, animals, music, Thai food, exercise, travel, and most people.

Q: What inspires you?

A: I am consistently inspired by honesty, simplicity, patience, and intentionality in others.

Q: How did your professional journey begin?

A: My professional journey began in Arkansas as I was working as an administrative assistant for a small counseling clinic. I was inspired by the work of our therapist to help individuals and families through empathetic, intentional communication.

Q: How did you transition to your current role?

A: I knew I wanted to have a career where I got to help people deal with daunting or hard things. Within a year, I was speaking with a friend from college who had just moved to Oklahoma to work for a small branch of OSU when he casually mentioned that they were hiring. He described the position of "Student Success Facilitator" to me; contacting students who were struggling academically, pointing students to resources on campus and in the community to help meet their needs, etc. It sounded like an ad for the kind of career I was searching for, but had no idea even existed! I interviewed, was hired, and moved my life across state lines for the first time ever in the fall of 2021. After about a year in my position, I was offered a Recruiting position that was open. This position had much more facetime with prospective and current students and involved quite a bit of travel.

Q: What do you enjoy most about your job?

A: I love getting to speak with students face-to-face about their dreams and goals, see new parts of Oklahoma, and meet new people every day! Overall, my time at OSUIT has provided me with more opportunities and growth than I ever thought possible, and I am so grateful!

Q: Can you share a memorable moment from your recruiting career?

A: I remember recently speaking to a group at a high school and asking for a show of hands of those who were planning to attend college after they graduated. Several students raised their hands, and one remarked that college wasn't for him. At the end of my presentation, that same student stayed and asked me several questions about admissions and scholarships, very seriously interested. That was my favorite moment in recruiting because I could see the change in perspective from a student after I shared the opportunities OSUIT had to offer and assured him that it was really possible for him.

Q: What are your passions outside of work?

A: I serve at my church to help lead worship and help with community events that my church puts on. I am very passionate about keeping public nature spaces beautiful—I blame my Arkansas roots for this, so I usually pick up trash wherever I go. 

Q: Do you have any specific dreams or fun facts about yourself?

A: One of my dreams is to organize a community cleanup project to clear public nature spaces of the trash that crowds the trails—and maybe simultaneously encourage the community to utilize the free public nature spaces more! Fun Fact: My favorite candy is Nerds Clusters, and my least favorite is Twizzlers.