Outstanding Faculty & Staff Nomination

It's time to nominate OSUIT employees for the Outstanding Faculty & Staff Awards! Any OSUIT student or employee may nominate an employee from any department. 

Outstanding Faculty & Staff Awards Criteria
Nominees are evaluated based on the criteria outlined in this document.
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Please submit the following form no later than February 29, 2024 for your nomination to be considered. Nominations submitted after February 29, 2024 will be considered for next year.

Any additional materials you wish to provide to demonstrate how the nominee has exhibited the criteria in the last year and to aid in selecting the winner should be emailed to Susie Mauldin at susie.mauldin@okstate.edu

Quality of Work (20 points)
Nominee exhibits exceptional knowledge of their job duties.*
Nominee consistently produces high quality work in performance of their job duties.*
Nominee contributes creative ideas for efficiency and/or improvement in their work.*
Attitude (20 points)
Nominee maintains a positive outlook toward their job.*
Nominee is respectful and works well with others.*
Nominee handles stressful situations in a professional manner.*
Improvement (20 points)
Nominee demonstrates a willingness to seek out opportunities to enhance their job skills.*
Commitment to OSUIT (20 points)
Nominee makes contributions to OSUIT that go beyond designated job duties.*
Nominee is supportive of OSUIT activities and events.*