Textbook Affordability Program Student FAQ

Program Benefits

How do students benefit from paying the exact textbook cost, regardless of major?

All OSUIT students pay the same rate for tuition and fees, regardless of major. Still, financial inequity remains regarding textbooks and other course materials. By modeling the textbook charge after other attendance costs, this program will reduce this financial inequity so that every student has access to the same academic opportunities, regardless of the field in which they choose to study.

How will I save by participating in this program?

Based on VitalSource data, OSUIT students should save, on average, 40% per semester with the $223 flat rate versus purchasing individual textbooks. Having easy access to required course materials by the first day of class means you have more time to focus on preparing for classes instead of spending time sourcing textbooks. 

Why should I participate in this program?

You can use your course materials during a trial period through the opt-out deadline. As you weigh the benefits and cost of the program tailored to your unique schedule, you can decide how the program benefits you personally. This program aims to create a more sustainable and convenient process for acquiring the course materials your instructors indicate you must have to be successful in the course. If you decide the program is unsuitable for any semester, you may request an opt-out to reverse the program charge. Please note that the opt-out deadline for traditional full semester students, full semester internship students, and second half semester internship students is September 17, 2024, for the fall semester.  For 1st half semester internship student and second half semester students the opt-out deadline is November 1, 2024, for the fall semester.

Accessing and Using Course Materials

What academic materials are covered by this program?

Course materials, including any written material, are included in the program, whether provided to you in digital or printed format. Course supplies are not considered "written material" or included in the program. OSUIT-TAP includes any required printed lab manuals and coursepacks not available in digital format. If digital format for the course material is offered with the program, printed versions will not be available. Exclusions may apply; to request an accommodation, please contact osuitbookstore@okstate.edu.

How do I access my digital textbooks if I participate in the OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program?

To access your digital content/textbooks for any course, log in to the course page in your OSUIT Canvas account and open your Bookshelf from the navigation menu. Depending on the textbook or content type, you may find additional access information on the Attachments tab for each item displayed.

Will all textbooks be provided in a digital format under this program?

Digital textbooks are the default option. Traditional print textbooks will only be supplied when a digital option is unavailable. Lab manuals and other course materials that are traditionally printed may remain in print as part of the program.

How do I obtain required textbooks that are not available in digital format?

Required print textbooks may be picked up by participating students at the OSUIT Campus Bookstore or shipped if you are unable to pick them up in person. We highly recommend that you pick up your books at the OSUIT Campus Bookstore on campus beginning the week before the first day of class. Store hours are Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

What do I do if I need academic accommodation due to a disability?

We have worked closely with OSUIT’s Office of Academic Accommodations during the development of this program. If you have questions about accessibility and using digital content or need accommodation, please contact OSUIT’s Office of Academic Accommodations for assistance.

How can I access lab manuals and coursepacks?

Custom-created lab manuals and course packs will be distributed to participating students through the OSUIT Campus Bookstore at the start of the courses. Students who have opted out of the OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program and need to obtain a lab manual or course pack outside of program participation may email osuitbookstore@okstate.edu for further assistance.

How do I get help if I have a question about accessing materials in VitalSource Bookshelf?

Students who need assistance with Bookshelf may contact VitalSource 24/7 via live chat or email. Additionally, you may contact osuitbookstore@okstate.edu for further assistance with the program. 

My professor has optional course materials; will those be included in the program?

The OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program includes only required materials. If your professor has requested optional materials for your course, you will decide whether to obtain them on your own. If you need assistance with acquiring optional course materials, please contact osuitbookstore@okstate.edu.

Will this program allow me to retain access to my course materials after a course ends?

Yes, for specific materials. Many of the digital textbooks in Bookshelf may be downloaded to a device and read after the term is over by using the Bookshelf app. Digital books that are a part of the courseware are only usable for the semester during which they were initially provided; unless otherwise noted, access to these materials expires once the term is over.

You may also keep any physical textbooks you receive as part of the OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program if you stay enrolled in the program and the applicable course. If you opt out of the program or drop any course with print materials, traditional full semester students, full semester internship students, and second half semester internship students must return print textbooks to the OSUIT Campus Bookstore by September 17, 2024. 1st half semester internship students and second half semester students must return their print textbooks to the OSUIT Campus Bookstore by November 1, 2024. Any digital materials provided will automatically be removed from your account.

Am I required to return my printed textbooks?

If you choose to remain opted into the OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program, required printed textbooks are included and are yours to keep. If you opt out of the program or drop any course for which you receive printed textbooks, traditional full semester students, full semester internship students, and second half semester internship students must return those unused and undamaged textbooks to the Campus Bookstore by September 17, 2024. For 1st half semester internship students and second half semester students who drop a course with printed materials that were picked up, those materials must be returned unused and undamaged to the Campus Bookstore by November 1, 2024.  If not returned or shipped back to the OSUIT Campus Bookstore, the replacement cost for outstanding textbooks will be billed to your bursar account. Any provided digital course materials will automatically be removed from your account.

Will this program affect how faculty choose what to use in their courses?

Under the OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program, faculty will always have complete academic freedom, and the textbook selection process will remain the same.

Can I download ebooks? Or use without internet access?

The VitalSource e-reader is fully device-agnostic and scalable. It allows simultaneous usage across two mobile devices and two desktop devices. Further, content downloaded to the reader app can be accessed offline if it was downloaded before the loss of internet connection. As for saving as a file, copyright laws can restrict licensed content from taking the form of re-distributable files. Allowing content only to be downloaded within the ereader puts the onus on the provider to protect copyright and relieves the University of associated risks.

Program Participation

What does "opt-out" and "opt-in" mean?

Opt-in means that you are participating in the OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program. No action is required to opt in. You will have access to your required course materials by the start of classes within Canvas. If you do not want to participate, traditional full semester students, full semester internship students, and second half semester students may opt-out before the opt-out deadline, September 17, 2024, for the Fall 2024 semester. For 1st half semester internship students and second half semester students the opt-out deadline is November 1, 2024, for the Fall 2024 semester.

When am I charged for the OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program?

Traditional full semester students, full semester internship students, and second half semester internship students will see the flat-rate OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program charge on your September Bursar billing statement for the fall semester, your January billing statement for the spring semester, and your May statement for the summer semester.  1st half semester internship students and second half semester students will see the flat-rate OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program charge on your November Bursar billing statement for the fall semester, your March billing statement for the spring semester, and your July billing statement for the summer semester.

I receive financial aid. Am I required to remain in the OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program to continue to receive aid?

No, you decide the program isn't right for you. In that case, you may opt-out via a digital link you receive in email or in Canvas through the opt-out deadline or by contacting the OSUIT Campus Bookstore at osuitbookstore@okstate.edu stating that you wish to opt-out of the program. After making an informed decision to opt-out, your access to all course materials provided through the program will end. Access will be removed for digital ebooks and publisher courseware supplied in Canvas. Students who opt out of the OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program may purchase individual digital textbooks and other course content online at https://osuitbookstore.okstate.edu/ or special-order print textbooks from The OSUIT Campus Bookstore Store. OSUIT's estimated cost of attendance determines financial aid. The amount of financial assistance a family needs each year is determined by the formula Cost of Attendance – Expected Family Contribution = Demonstrated Financial Need. Your Expected Family Contribution remains consistent unless your family reports significant changes to your financial situation. 

What is the deadline to opt out of the OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program?

For traditional full semester students, full semester internship students, and second half semester internship students the opt-out deadline for the fall 2024 semester is September 17, 2024.  For 1st half semester internship students and second half semester students, the opt-out deadline for the fall semester is November 1, 2024.

How do I opt out of the OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program?

You can choose to opt-out each semester. However, if you do so, you will need to purchase your textbooks, either by special ordering from the OSUIT Campus Bookstore or from a retailer of your choice.

To opt-out (if you are a traditional full semester student, full semester internship student, or a second half semester student):
  • Click the link inside your Welcome Email
  • In Canvas, click the "Course Materials" tab in any course, then select "Opt-Out."
  • Once you have opted out, you will receive a confirmation email from noreply@verbasoftware.com stating that the opt-out request has been received.

To opt-out if you are a 1st half semester internship student or a second half semester student:

  • Contact the OSUIT Campus Bookstore before the opt-out deadline at osuitbookstore@okstate.edu . Include your Student ID Number stating that you wish to opt out of the program. 

Need help?

If you have any trouble opting out, please send an email to osuitbookstore@okstate.edu with your student ID in the body and the words "opt out" in the subject line.

I've opted out; what can I expect, and how do I purchase textbooks?

After making an informed decision to opt out, your access to all course materials provided through the program will end. Access for digital ebooks and publisher courseware provided in Canvas, such as McGraw-Hill Connect or Pearson MyLab, will be removed. The OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program charge will be reversed in your bursar account within 5-7 business days after the opt-out deadline. *If you need access to courseware, you may purchase access directly from the publisher's website.

*Any printed materials provided must be returned to the OSUIT Campus Bookstore by September 17, 2024, for traditional full semester students, full semester internship students, and second half semester internship students opting out of the program. 1st half semester internship students and second half semester students opting out of a program must return any printed materials provided through the program to the OSUIT Campus Bookstore by November 1, 2024.  Suppose print materials are not yet in your possession (you received an email to pick up your print items but have not yet picked them up from the OSUIT Campus Bookstore). In that case, those items will be automatically removed from your account and returned to the program. After the opt-out deadline, and all print items are returned to the OSUIT Campus Bookstore, the program charge posted to your bursar account will be reversed.

Digital: you can purchase individual digital textbooks and course content within your Bookshelf. For courseware (depending on the platform), you may purchase an access code within Bookshelf or directly through the publisher.

Print: The OSUIT Campus Bookstore will not be selling in-stock print textbooks to those who have opted out of the program; those books have been purchased at lower prices based on the subscription model per our contract with the publishers. However, you can special order print textbooks from the OSUIT Campus Bookstore at current retail prices.

If I opt out, will I still have access to ebooks and publisher courseware?

When you opt out of The OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program, access will be removed for all digital ebooks and publisher courseware provided in Canvas, such as McGraw-Hill Connect or Pearson MyLab. All access will be deactivated by the opt-out deadline.

If you have reviewed your course materials costs/needs and have determined that you will not benefit from The OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program this semester, you are encouraged to opt-out. You can easily purchase individual digital textbooks and other digital course content on your Canvas Bookshelf or by visiting https://osuitbookstore.okstate.edu/. For courseware (depending on the platform) you may purchase an access code within Bookshelf or directly through the publisher. 

I opted out but changed my mind, can I re-enroll?

Yes. Prior to the opt-out deadline, you can opt back into the OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program using the link provided in the email you received when you opted out. Once you are in your student textbook portal in Canvas, click the button to opt back in, or contact the OSUIT Campus Bookstore at osuitbookstore@okstate.edu ,stating that you wish to opt back into the program.  Please include your Student ID with your request to opt back into the program.

Course Enrollment

What if I add/drop the course? How do I get access to my materials?

When adding a course, the course materials will be available on Canvas. Course enrollment changes can take up to 48 hours to process. If printed materials are required for your new course, they will be displayed on your Student Portal dashboard. You will receive an email from The OSUIT Campus Bookstore to pick up any required print materials.

When dropping a course, any access to digital course materials will be removed in tandem with your enrollment drop. Suppose you drop and have printed course materials provided by the OSUIT Textbook Affordability Program. In that case, if you are a traditional full semester student, full semester internship student, or second half semester internship student, you must return those print materials to the OSUIT Campus Bookstore by September 17, 2024, or by November 1, 2024, for 1st half semester internship students and second half semester students.  Non-returned print materials will be charged to your bursar account at the publisher's new book price.