University Facility Use Request Form


Kendra Fitzl
Student Union Administrative Assistant

This form is to be utilized by university members, students, and student clubs for booking or reserving space within the Student Union, or Student Union Service Areas. By filling out and submitting this form, you do not secure your reservation. Further communication from the Student Union office will confirm your reservation and space booking. Please wait for that confirmation before promoting the location of your event or meeting.

Forms must be received by the Student Union Office a minimum 24 hours prior to the event. Late submissions will not be accommodated.

meeting, meals, receptions
Break out room, PSO Lounge ect.
John/Jane Doe
(918)-123-4567,, etc.
Event open to the public? *
Are dining services requested?*
Student Union Services is not responsible for any set up requiring audio/video accommodations. Please contact IT Services in advance of your event for any technical assistance. 918-293-4700