Prior Learning Assessment & Articulation Services

Prior Learning Assessment

Accelerate your education at OSUIT through Prior Learning Assessment (PLA).

OSUIT believes that college-level learning can take place outside of the traditional college classroom. Through Prior Learning Assessment, you can earn credit toward your degree by documenting the knowledge you have gained during years of work and life-long learning.

Credit for Prior Learning

Technical and on-the-job training, workshops, military training, community service, volunteer work, seminars, travel, and independent study are among the many avenues through which you may acquire knowledge and skills that can be evaluated for credit toward your degree.

More Information

For more information about Prior Learning Credit at OSUIT, contact the Prior Learning Assessment Office:

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The goals of Prior Learning Assessment are to:

  • Value a student’s skills and experience
  • Recognize learning outside the traditional classroom
  • Reduce student costs
  • Improve completion times and improve graduation rates
  • Reduce duplication of courses

OSUIT offers numerous options for you to earn prior learning credit toward your degree of choice. Our advisors can guide you through the process of uncovering these opportunities and identifying the options that best fit your needs. By taking advantage of our prior learning assessment options, you can potentially save both time and money as there will be less coursework for you to complete.


Career & Technical Training

Many of our students complete corporate or career and technical training programs prior to their transition to OSUIT. Explore how that training can give you a head start on your college degree.


Military Service

OSUIT is committed to ensuring our military service members and veterans receive credit for their college-level knowledge gained through their service to our country. Start this process in 3 easy steps.


Industry Experience

The value of your employment history extends beyond your resume. Find out how your knowledge and skills can translate into college credit and put you on the fast track to your new career.