All break requests submitted are reviewed by committee to determine eligibility and
also are subject to availability of break rooms. Your account will be charged $10.00
per night of the break (this will be charged whether you stay the whole break or not).
Submitting the request after due date can incur a $50 administrative fee for not submitting
by published due date.
I acknowledge that if any of the stated policies from the Campus Community Handbook
are violated, I could be removed from housing for the break.
The possession or consumption of beer or intoxicating liquors anywhere in the residence
halls, on the campus grounds, or in the campus buildings is forbidden by state law
and university policy. Any beer, including 3.2 beer, wine, or liquor found in your
room or in your possession anywhere on the OSU Institute of Technology campus will
be confiscated and will result in disciplinary action. Students are expected to comply
with state and local laws regarding the use of alcohol as well. Irresponsible behavior
while under the influence of alcohol or any other drug is not tolerated and any student
violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action. No decorative
alcohol bottles, cans, bottle caps, or advertisements of any kinds are allowed in
the residence halls.
Students are expected to comply with all local, state, and federal laws regarding
the use and possession of drugs. The possession, manufacture, purchase, sale or use
of narcotics, drugs, stimulants or any other substances for illicit purposes on campus,
or in the residence halls, or in your room is forbidden and is prohibited by state
and federal law. Violators may face criminal charges, disciplinary action, removal
from housing, loss of Student Financial Aid and suspension from OSU Institute of Technology.
I also understand that it is a privilege to be granted permission for myself to stay
over the break in housing. Guests will not be allowed at all to enter or stay in my
assigned room at any time during the break.
Traditional residents approve to stay for the break will be allowed to pick up their
assigned break room key by 12:00 pm (noon) on the last day of classes before the break
begins. The location to pick up the key will be provided in the approval e-mail sent
to students when approved. Students will be given a room damage report that must be
turned back in immediately. Failure to turn in the damage report means the student
will be taking all responsibility for the room.
Residents are required to be back in their original room assignments and have turned
in their break room key by 6:00 pm on the day the Residence Halls reopen from the
break. Keys not returned by this time can result in the resident’s account being charged
$50.00 for a key/core and a $25 noncompliance administrative charge. Your room for
the break will be checked by Residential Life staff after receiving the break key.
Any damages found by staff can result in the student being charged for damages.
Not again that the late submission of the form are not guaranteed to be approved. If approved their can administrative $50 late fee charged to the