Color Palette

Primary Color Palette

OSU’s official colors shown here are Pantone 021 with full-color process, RGB and hexadecimal color builds. Pantone 021 is for all print media and surfaces, including uncoated and matte-coated stock.

Designers must adjust the primary logo to the correct shade of orange according to the material coating and medium in which it will be printed. Use the color formulas listed here.



CMYK | 0, 75, 100, 0

RGB | 250, 100, 0

HEX | Fe 5c 00


CMYK | 0, 0, 0, 100

RGB | 0, 0, 0

HEX | 00 00 00


CMYK | 0, 0, 0, 0

RGB | 255, 255, 255

HEX | ff ff ff


Secondary Color Palette

Secondary colors may be used in marketing and social media materials, but should never supersede the primary color palette. Be mindful that these colors are only meant to support Orange and Black.

OSU’s official colors are orange and black. Use the color formulas here for all print and web-related color specification. Please send questions about the color palette to

Light Grey

PANTONE | Cool Gray 2

CMYK | 5, 3, 5, 11

RGB | 208, 208, 206

HEX | dd dd dd

BLACK | 15%

Dark Grey

PANTONE | Cool Gray 10

CMYK | 40, 30, 20, 66

RGB | 99, 102, 106

HEX | 75 75 75

BLACK | 80%


The secondary color palette is only meant to support the Orange and Black. Secondary colors may be used in marketing and social media materials, but should never supersede the primary color palette.

Single-Color Use

When reproducing any of Oklahoma State University’s marks in single-color printing, use the single-color configuration to ensure a higher quality end product.