OSUIT is providing students enrolled in full and/or 2nd-half semester coursework during the Spring 2020 term the option to convert final letter grades to pass (P)/non-pass (NP) grades.
OSUIT faculty will submit final letter grades for Spring 2020 coursework to the Registrar’s Office by 4 pm on April 21, 2020. Any student who wishes to convert a course letter grade to a P/NP grade must contact the instructor of record for the course between April 22 and April 29, 2020, to initiate the grade change process. Students can exercise the P/NP grade option on a course-by-course basis.
OSUIT advisors will assist students in determining the impact P/NP grades will have for the student’s program/major. Students are strongly encouraged to consider and explore any implications the P/NP grade option can have for them in the future (e.g., program-specific requirements, continued or graduate study, licensure, etc.).
Frequently Asked Questions
No, OSUIT students are able to convert course letter grades to P/NP grades on a course-by-course basis.
P and NP grades are grade neutral and do not negatively impact a student’s grade point average (GPA). Students can visit Degree Works and use the Term GPA Estimator (under the GPA Calculator tab) to compare the impacts of P/NP versus final letter grades upon their GPAs. Students are encouraged to visit with their instructors and advisor when considering a grade change. Additionally, the OSUIT Registrar’s Office (918-293-4680 or osuit.registrar@okstate.edu) can assist with GPA-related questions.
- Students who are in specific degree programs, and want to take a P in a course that counts toward graduation, will need to repeat the course and earn a letter grade of C or better to satisfy program graduation requirements. Students should speak with their advisors to determine their best options.
- Repeats are limited to the first four (4) courses, not to exceed 18 credit hours. A student who has already repeated four (4) courses can still take advantage of the P/NP option, but it will not replace any repeated course grade(s).
- If a student veteran is enrolled in an AAS or BT program, a P/NP can save points on their GPA, but the student will have to repeat the course to fulfill graduation requirements, and the VA will not pay for repeating a course with a P/NP grade. Student veterans are better off keeping their earned letter grades of D or F, and then repeating the course for a higher grade. The VA will pay for student veterans to retake a class with a letter grade.
- If a student veteran is in an AS program, the student is better off taking the D or F grade. While the D or F will lower their GPA, the VA will pay a student veteran to repeat the course. As long as the student’s overall GPA is above a 2.0 with the D grade, they are in compliance with graduation requirements and no repeat is necessary.
School of Arts, Sciences & Health
- AS in Allied Health Sciences: all program requirement courses
- AAS in Nursing: NURS courses and select general education classes
- AAS in Orthotic & Prosthetic Technologies: OPT courses
- AS in Pre-Education: English, Speech, Mathematics, Science and Social and Behavioral Sciences courses
School of Creative & Information Technologies
- AAS in 3D Modeling & Animation: GRD, MMT and VIS courses
- AAS in Graphic Design Technology: GRD, MMT and VIS courses
School of Engineering & Construction Technologies
- AAS in Civil Engineering/Surveying Technologies: ETDG, CET and SURV courses
- AAS in Engineering Graphics & Design Drafting Technologies: CET, ETDG and ETD courses
- AAS in Engineering Technologies – Electrical Electronics Technologies Option: ETDE, ETDG and ETD courses
- AAS in Engineering Technologies – Instrumentation Technology Option: ETDE, ETDG and ETD courses
- BT in Instrumentation Engineering Technology: ETD, ETDE and ETDG courses